Authors I haven’t experienced yet

authors i have yet to read

Hey friends! Once again I’m gonna apologize for my lack of activity. I’ve just been so unmotivated to do things. Anywho, happy Thanksgiving to you!! And if you don’t celebrate or aren’t celebrating today, then I hope things are good and you’re having a nice day! 😄

I’ve seen this topic floating around recently on Youtube and thought it would be a fun post, also since I haven’t been participating in Top 5 Wednesday I thought it would be acceptable. So let’s get on with it, then.

Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)

1. Leigh Bardugo

I HAVE NO EXCUSE. I’ve heard so many greats things about her writing and this book in general, the world and the characters. It makes no sense that I’ve had this book on my shelf for a year now and still haven’t touched it. I KNOW. (I’ve finally just picked up Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor after almost a year. I KNOW!! I’m just glad I don’t have to include her on this list as well.)


And the Mountains Echoed

2. Khaled Hosseini

Honestly, I have no excuse for this one either. I’ve intended to pick this one up from the library many times this year, but somehow ended up getting a bunch of other books. Plus, I was supposed to read The Kite Runner for one of my high school years, but never did. I do have that one setting on my makeshift night stand right now, though, so maybe it will be my next read!


Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)

3. Sarah J. Maas

Maybe it’s intimidation? I really don’t know why I never picked this one up, or even bothered to see if the library has it. When I first heard about it, I was excited, but now the desire to read it has died down. I’ll get to it eventually, I’m sure.


Fire & Flood (Fire & Flood, #1)

4. Victoria Scott

I heard about this book at the beginning of this year and I’ve really wanted to read it ever since, but my library doesn’t hold it and I haven’t bought books in these past few months. As for the previous months, I basically only get books from BookOutlet and I’ve never seen it on there, unfortunately. Hopefully I can read this soon, though!!


The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)

5. Alexandra Bracken

I’ve the same reason for this one as I do for Fire & Flood. The library doesn’t hold it! And as I said about buying books, it goes for this one as well. Though I’m particularly eyeing her newest release, Passenger, which comes out in January!!


The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1)

6. Brandon Sanderson

Much like Throne of Glass, I’ve heard so much about these books and maybe it’s just intimidation, but my desire to read it has died down. Some day, though!


The Summer I Turned Pretty (Summer, #1)

7. Jenny Han

Does anyone remember the post where I shared series I still need to start? Remember this being on it? Yeah, well, I believe that list is still the same. I think it’s just because I’m not a big fan of contemporary, but this one’s still on my TBR. Surprised? Probably not.


Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)
8. Tahereh Mafi

I’ve heard mixed things about this series, but I’ve still always been interested in reading it. Apparently that doesn’t matter, though, as I never even picked it up yet. I never noticed or bothered to look if the library has it either. I’m just horrible with keeping up with my TBR as you may have noticed by now. I haven’t read any of her books, but I follow her on twitter. Makes sense, I know.


The Diviners (The Diviners, #1)

9. Libba Bray

I’ve seen so much hype surrounding this one when I first found booktube and I wanted to read it just because of that hype, but I never actually knew what it was about until recently. Now that I know, it sounds just like something I would be allllll over, so I can’t believe I still haven’t read it yet!!


Gone Girl
10. Gillian Flynn

The desire to read Gone Girl had never really existed for me, I don’t think. I wanted to read it just for the sake of reading it because everybody else was. Now that the hype around it has died down, I’ve realized I may never even get to it, but I recently found the want to read Dark Places because it seems like my type of book, let’s be real.


sign off

9 thoughts on “Authors I haven’t experienced yet

  1. Ooh don’t worry, I’ve only read two of those authors (Sarah J Maas and Gillian Flynne) 😛 I don’t really pressure myself too much to read a new author that’s been hyped about though. My TBR is big enough as it is! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AHH. So many great authors here Ember! You definitely need to read Leigh Bardugo, Victoria Scott, Alexandra Bracken, Sarah J. Maas and Tahereh Mafi – all of their books are absolutely amazing. ❤ Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhhhh, so I’ve heard. I have Leigh Bardugo, so I have no excuuuuuuuse. I’m just addicted to getting so many books from the library and I only have a limited time to keep them so my mind is just like, “YOU NEED TO READ THOSE FIRST.” And then, when I’m done with those, I get more and it’s the same process. *sigh* I’ll get to them eventually!


  3. I haven’t read 4 of these either! XD So shame on me too, hehe. I did kick my intimidation of Brandon Sanderson’s books and read Mistborn #1 but OMG IT WAS SO THICK. 0_0 It was great but definitely intense on my poor little brain. hehe. And I’m too scared to try Gillian Flynn (I saw the movie first and was utterly traumatised, hehe, but I belong in the children’s section with the picture books and crayons apparently *sighs*) Shadow and Bone is AMAZING. I highly recommend it! (Book #2 is even better.) Or even try Six of Crows if you like kinda darkish fantasy. It’s in the same world but you don’t have to read the Grisha books first. *nods*
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

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    • I’ve been putting off watching Gone Girl because I haven’t read the book yet! Though since my interest for the book has died down, I might just go ahead and jump into watching the movie. I have been really interested in Six of Crows, but I thought I’d maybe have to read the Grisha books first just in case it spoiled anything! Oh god, thank you for letting me know this. This is so good!! 😄 Woohoo! As soon as I can get my hands on it. (But I really should get to Shadow and Bone first since I already own it anyway haha)


  4. Alexandra Bracken seriously is one of my newest favorite authors! The Darkest Minds is a must-read if you like dystopia and action! I loved those books! 🙂

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