Leaving the blogosphere?

Hey guys! If you don’t follow me on twitter, you might not know that I’ve been thinking about starting a booktube channel. For the past two weeks I’ve been really thinking about it, deciding what I want to do with this blog, and if I will keep the same name. I wanted to make a post about this so I don’t keep you guys hanging and if you’d like to stay with me, you’ll know where to find me!

So, I’ve come to a conclusion and I’ve decided: no, I won’t be keeping this blog and no, I won’t be keeping the same name. — You may not know that Ember is only a nickname. I no longer want to identify by that name, so as of now, I will go by my real name which is Sarah. The reason I won’t be keeping Literary Constellation is because I’m leaning toward a booktube name that includes my name.

I’ll keep this blog up until I get the chance to start the youtube channel and once everything’s ready, I’ll come back and publish an update post that informs you where to find me if you’re interested.

I’m sure you’ve all noticed my lack in blogging in these past months, which I won’t act like I’ve been trying to keep up. It’s not what I really thought I wanted to do and has become more of a chore than an enjoyment for me. So I’m hoping Youtube won’t end up the same way. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for staying with me for this long and I hope to hear from you over on the booktube!